“The best thing about growing up in a small Texas town in the 70’s was having the freedom to explore. Entertainment choices were limited, so we were forced to be creative. In Eden, my creative explorations nurtered a deep connection with nature and music.”

Born with a strong will and desire to experience a creative life, James transcended the limitations of his rural upbringing to achieve success as a CPA and working drummer in Austin, TX, the “Live Music Capital of the World.” In recent years, he has turned to photography and videography to scratch a creative itch that has been with him since childhood.

James believes that we are surrounded by beauty and interesting things, but most people are too caught up in their own heads to pay attention. He has a knack for recognizing and capturing those fleeting moments that make everyday life worth looking at.

James officially launched TerraDooley Media on a part-time basis in 2022 after receiving encouragement from fans of his work.

Stay tuned to see what happens next!